Show Me What’s Wrong

My other great find in the last few weeks is Show Me What’s Wrong!

I get people asking me to help them know what to do to fix something wrong with their computer but they are most often not nearby to physically show them or people would like to be shown how to do stuff on their computer. With Show Me What’s Wrong you can make a drop dead easy video screen capture with your voice explaining what to do as you go. Show Me What’s Wrong then emails a link to it to yourself or the other person telling them to view the screencast you just did.

The whole procedure is so simple and easy to do. Once the person views your video they can download it for further reference as it is not archived and will be deleted from their servers in seven days.

Here is a You Tube video explaining it better….

I have used it a couple of times already and it’s brilliant.

2 thoughts on “Show Me What’s Wrong

  1. Hey Paul

    Yes it’s more like how to help someone fix it but I can see it being useful for someone else to show you what they are doing wrong. There’s lots of great tools out there.

    How I would love to have a digital classroom and be able to use them to really extend my classroom practice and have children use these tools more.

    I have a got a straight year four class of only 22 to start with this year so will hopefully be able to individualise things more with more access.



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