
In my internet meanderings I came across Qwiki a couple of days ago and just this morning got my alpha invite. I am impressed.

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I am not sure if they know where I live but their welcome page gives New Zealand as their search example. Well done guys!

The idea as they say on their introductory video is to make information an experience. You enter your search term (and I like that it auto fills so kids wouldn’t have to be able to spell their searches right) and you are informed about your search topic in orally with text and pictures. You are then given some related searches to peruse.

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It is in its alpha stage so you can give them plenty of feedback on how to improve but I think it’s pretty good even yet. I enjoyed their pronunciation of Waitangi- Wait-angi! LOL It even passes the ‘jugs’ test.

I have a feeling this is going to be great. It will help younger children access information on the internet beyond their reading ability which is always a problem I have teaching eight year olds.

View their introductory video here.