Horizon Report

I was astounded last week to be invited to serve on the 2011 Horizon Report: K12 Edition Advisory Board.

As you may know, the Horizon Project Advisory Boards provide vision and stimulus to the Horizon Project, New Media Consortium’s annual effort to identify and describe the key emerging technologies that will be influential for teaching, learning, and creative expression in tertiary education over the next five years. They consider for the report on adoption timelines, and to rank their potential impacts on the practices of museum education and digitally mediated interpretation. The consortium’s Horizon Reports are regarded worldwide as the most timely and authoritative sources of information on new and emerging technologies available to education anywhere.

Lake Rotoiti

You can read more about the project and read previous reports here.

I am in awe that they would ask me to contribute. I am the only Kiwi on the Board so feel the weight of responsibility for 4 million kiwis on my shoulders. I will do my best to be up to the task and hope that my contributions are valuable.

I wonder if they would like my Lake Rotoiti photo for the front cover 🙂

3 thoughts on “Horizon Report

  1. Wonderful photo and wonderful opportunity Allanah. Great choice for representing New Zealand education!

    I have often enjoyed reading the Horizon report as well as keeping up with other global trends such as those from Edutech (blogs.worldbank.org/edutech/10-global-trends-in-ict-and-education), Unesco (http://www.unescobkk.org/education/ict/online-resources/databases/ict-in-education-database/item/article/10-global-trends-in-ict-and-education/), Becta (webarchive.nationalarchives.gov.uk/20101102103654/http://emergingtechnologies.becta.org.uk//index.php?section=etr&filter=ArtTec_003). It will interesting to see how Core’s Ten Trends (interact.core-ed.org/mod/threaded_forums/topicposts.php?topic=280&group_guid=75) will align with the emerging technologies in the Horizon report. I look forward to watching this space.


  2. That is a real honour, Allanah, and testament to your hard work advocating for your students’ learning. Good on yer (as you can say to your fellow board members;-)

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