Leadership Google Presentation

Today I was so proud of the team as we worked collaboratively across the 36 schools in the cluster to research and add our notes to a shared Google Doc, record our learnings and share publicly what we had done.

I had pre-made the Google presentation with a hyperlink to a leadership resource on each slide. I had also randomly placed people’s names on each slide so people had to move to work together with one another.

Our internet zinged along as we were at Salisbury School which is on the Loop UFB.

I loved it how people just knew what to do and got on and did it. Some taking screen grabs and uploading them, some writing notes, some making an iMovie and uploading it to YouTube and embedding it in the presentation.

All in a thirty five minute time span. Impressive.

We have come a long way since we started this venture.

2 thoughts on “Leadership Google Presentation

  1. Hi Allanah,

    Great day yesterday. Thanks. I gained lots from DK’s social media for educators – great stuff for inspiring teachers and students back at school! 🙂

    I also was inspired by the google apps/doc we all collaborated on…and trialled it with my class today! We had some teething problems (mainly issues with the old image…long story!) so decided to start to rotate groups around on my mac (thank goodness for apple!) Anyway thanks for the fantastic idea – here is our work in progress:


    Regards Em (from Upper Moutere!)

    P.S. thought I should respond on your blog!! 🙂

  2. Nice work Emma

    I reciprocated with a comment on your blog and would encourage others to do the same.

    Great to know that things worked.

    When things don’t go as smoothly as you want it is always good to have a plan B.

    Rotating around the slides would be a good way to do it. A bit like the way I do e-AsTTle tests so kids don’t get kicked out half way through!

    Thanks for the feedback

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