Build Yourself a Wild Self

At the beginning of the school year (in the Southern Hemisphere that is) you might be keen have you students build themselves an avatar if you are not sure about putting individual photos on line or as a identity in Voicethread. Chris Betcher recently posted this find ‘Build Your Wild Self‘ from the New York Zoo. You can build your avatar and add animal features to it. Kids would love the opportunity to be wild and wacky.

Build Your Wild Self
Uploaded with plasq‘s Skitch!

Here is my creation. Being aimed at kids it didn’t have a grey haired option!

I couldn’t let go and add an elephant truck or antelope horns but the option is there if it takes your fancy.

The New York Zoo and Aquarium websites are worth sharing with kids as well- hours of interest there.

5 thoughts on “Build Yourself a Wild Self

  1. I had my students (11 and 12 year olds) using this site the other day and they had the best time with it. It is quite funny, particularly with the sound effects.

  2. Love this post. The kids will think it is great. In the past I have used MS Paint with students to create their own little avatar, and saved it as jpg, resized in irfanview but I can see kids really enjoying these.

  3. This site is so much fun! It has more flexibility than some sites, and gives the students a chance to be really creative. I’m going to use this with my year 7 12-13 year olds tomorrow period 4, if I can get school to unblock it before then (why are great tools like this not available?!)

  4. This is fab! I’m going to use it with my kids when we look at cyber-safety. I’ve made up some instructions for how I want to use it with my kids (want them to practice some other skills too) on my wiki at
    It might not help anyone else but thought I’d share too! 🙂 Amanda

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