Blog Awards- not!

Sorry folks but after all our efforts our Moturoa class blog did not win the New Zealand Class Blog Awards. I feel gutted as we love our blog as it is a pivotal part of our on-line learning and great way to link class to family and to communicate with others. Through it I feel that I am not teaching alone and that others do care for what we do in our classroom. Maybe we shouldn’t have entered the competition at all and I wouldn’t be feeling this way. ‘Pride comes before a fall’ is the saying, I think. Our blog is just what it is- one of many. Maybe I had an inflated opinion of the worth of our class blog- it was in the final five after all. Not winning still feels like losing.

Before I started blogging personally, professionally and as a class I would never have dreamed of writing as a response to such an event and now that is the first thing I think of doing- to put my thoughts in writing. I think that I shouldn’t take it so personally but as we put so much energy and enthusiasm into it I have strong feelings about it. It is more than a ‘thing’- it is a growing, living entity.

Teaching is the sort of professional where I never feel I am ever good enough and the job is never properly done- the longer I teach the more I realise just how little I know about teaching. We can always do more, do better, work harder, achieve better results.

There are many wonderful blogs out there- like my school colleague, Raewyn’s,  class blog. Her blog, just doesn’t receive the recognition it deserves and she is starting to get disheartened by the lack of contributions from outside her classroom. Bloggers need to know that someone else apart from themselves are reading and contributing. She knows that people are viewing because her hit counter is ticking over but few are participating by actively leaving a comment. If you can spare a few minutes could you please go to Raewyn’s blog and leave her a comment to encourage her and pop back from time to time so she knows that she is not alone. I think sometimes we think that we can’t write something clever enough but just a sentence or two to lets the bloggers know that you are reading is enough.

If people do not take the time to comment on the others’ blogs it is really no better than writing on a piece of paper and hanging it on the classroom wall for a very limited audience. We all need the encouragement of others to continue.

Moturoa class blog is fortunate to receive the recognition that it does locally, nationally and internationally, even though we didn’t receive an award. We build into our blogging a time to reflect on the blog posts of others and leave comments. How do we build a feeling of a supportive community unless we continue the conversation by becoming actively involved?

I am tempted not to post this entry but seeing I have taken the time to write it I will hit the publish button. Writing it has helped me come to terms with not being successful.

Well done Clem from Outram School and Stephen from Hokowhitu.

7 thoughts on “Blog Awards- not!

  1. Oh Allanah, I pass on my commiserations to you and your class. I love reading your blog and thought you were a sure winner! Better luck next time 😉

    PS. Yes I did vote for you 😉


  2. Allanah, I am really sorry that your class missed out BUT please understand that you and your class have been an inspiration to me and no doubt, many other classes/schools around NZ and abroad.

    Congratulations for being a FINALIST! :+)

  3. I am sure that you are dissapointed but I think that your brave posting this, and I mean that in a positive way! I think its important that you do receive recognition for the work that you do but obviously the Interface Awards aren’t it, it will be one of those things that the kids will never forget and the people you inspire, like Jamie, like me and everyone else touched by your work, at the end of the day that’s what matters!

  4. Not successful! You must be kidding. You’re an inspiration, Allanah. In my eyes your blog is a winner, and everyone involved too. I can imagine your disappointment, and I’m sorry.

  5. I agree with Tania. Your blog is a winner, and all who participate in the blogging process with you are winners too.
    I identify with you in your comment that the longer you teach the more you realise how little you know… although I think it is that we begin to realise just how much there is to know.
    The power of Web 2.0 tools is that we can more easily tap into the discoveries, problem solving and creativity of others who are passionate about education and therefore do our job better.
    I strongly believe that teaching is the best place to be to make a difference for the better.
    It seems to me that you are one who is leading the way in your use of ICT to enhance learning.
    Kia kaha, kia toa, kia manawanui.

  6. Hi Allanah. I totally agree with Tania. What you do with your kids via this blog is exemplary. the reality is that there is often only one “winner”, but, take it from me, you are a winner in every way. Your class blog is an inspiration to many, and the fact that within this post you are still supporting other colleagues says it all. Forget the statistics & the awards, they’re not important, but the effects and influence you have on students and colleagues are!

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