Our Time4Online NZ conference is now up and running for real and the power of Web2 technologies have been brought home to me in a number of rather spectacular ways.
Firstly, in that we can have a conference like this at all. Teachers from all over New Zealand can learn and connect at their own pace, in their own time and from any location as long as they have an internet connection and a bit of patience. I wonder how many will join in over time?
Secondly, that I can contribute from Nelson through a collaboration with Sheryl Nussbaum-Beach for her keynote in Elluminate and my video presentation, uploaded to Teacher-Tube. At last look it has had 4,400 views in one week. This surprises me as I didn’t think that that many people would be that interested. Thank you Sheryl for your enthusiasm and encouragement for me to showcase some of my classroom practice.
Through these links a number of others from a variety of English speaking countries have linked to this blog or my presentation and I tip my hat to them.
And thanks to Technorati for the ability to find and link to others. And to James Farmer founder of Edublogs who helped get things going again after some downtime in the weekend.
Thanks for being so understanding – we’re taking serious steps to make sure this doesn’t happen again and it’s great to see how well you;re using the service!
Hi Allanah – Time4 Online appears to work much better by PC than Mac in the UK !!!! What a weird thing that is – don’t know why that would be.
Hi Allanah
Thanks for your contribution to the Time4Online conference – your video clip is fantastic!! Keep up to good work – and keep sharing it!
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