Every second year the whole school learns more about Keeping Ourselves Safe. The programme is supported by parents, police and a variety of videos as children are helped to understand more about being safe and getting help.
The Year Five and Six class prepared this animation using the Apple application I Can Animate. The animation script follows closely one of the support videos ‘Home Alone’- what to do if you find yourself arriving home and your parents aren’t home yet. Everyone in the class had some role in the production- script, set,animation, filming or production.
It was a great effort- deserving of a wider audience. It has been published on our podcast page but I thought it was so cool that I would share it with in case you don’t subscribe to our podcast.
12.7MB 3 minutes 5 seconds
That is cute beyond words!
We’ve also just finished KOS at Central.
It must be good to know that great ICT stuff is still going on in your absence… it must be all the awesome work you’ve been doing with your staff over the past year(s)!!