Friday’s work started with a visit to Brooklyn School nestled in the foothills of the Takaka Hill. After having been born in Nelson it is surprising that I had never been there before! Brooklyn is an Apple School- Yay! Kindred spirits!
Again I got a very positive reception from the principal and this time set up a series of sessions on developing a school blog to complement their school website. Mini-Dylan popped his head up when he saw Brooklyn’s friendly dragon logo- it reminded him of his home at Cefn Fforest School in Wales.
 Brooklyn School has just bought a Promethean Interactive Whiteboard and I am going to be invited along to their training sessions. Now that will be very cool.
Then I had a short trip back to Motueka High School to try, in vain, again, to get the phone to allow toll calls and to get the internet to work in my office! I asked a rather tall student with ‘interesting’ spiky hair to take my photo in the hallway outside their assembly hall- another student had asked me where something was and I had to tell her that I hadn’t the foggiest idea! The blind leading the blind!
I had lunch in the staffroom- gradually getting to know a few faces and what they do- being such a large staff they are all on the move at lunchtime- the same I suppose as a primary school but just more of a swirl of people.
After lunch- another sort trip to Tasman Bay Christian School with just over 50 students. What a wonderful set up they have there. We sat and chatted for a couple of hours after school had officially finished and talked about ways to help their students to collaborate with other classes in other parts of the world. I introduced one of their teachers @sarnee to the wonderful world of Twitter! She was onto it real quick and by Saturday morning was already busy building her network.
We swapped interesting internet finds and I told her she needed to make herself an edublog so she went home to make herself an educational blog to share her passions and interests related to her profession. The task was done by Saturday. Another kindred spirit- although a PC person! She will be at Learning @ School and has earned her right to grab a seat at the Edubloggers Cafe!
Oh that it could be like this every day!
Another great day!
Allanah – looks like you’re going to adapt to this new role really quickly. I’ve thought for a long time that one of the most powerful learning experiences we can provide for teachers is the opportunity to visit other schools and classes to discuss and reflect on what they see – what a wonderful learning journey you are going to experience this year, quite apart from all the learning you’re going to provoke in others!
Thank for coming and visiting us and for getting me all inspired about ICT again. Looking forward to the L&S conference, well apart from the planning for a reliever thing!
Thanks for coming and visiting us and for getting me all inspired about ICT again. Looking forward to the L&S conference, well apart from the planning for a reliever thing!