Clever Gmail Signatures

At school we are shifting lots of stuff into the cloud and the boss asked today if I could help him get the school logo as a signature at the bottom of his Google Apps Mail like it used to be when we went for desktop mail. You could add the logo as an attachment but that would be a total pain considering the myriads of emails that a principal would make in a day!

So, after some research and a little trial and error this is what I came up with.

First of all download Blank Canvas as a Firefox or Chrome Extension.

ImageOnce that’s done and Firefox restarted, log into your Gmail or Google Apps and click Compose Mail like you usually do. You will see little icons above the To field.

Hover and see what they do. I added the quick add remove as extras later on.

For an image I had to upload it somewhere else- I chose Google Sites but I suppose you could put it anywhere on the net.

As I am not an html genius I used the html editor on my blog to work out what the code needed to be to wrap around the image URL. In maths strategy land that would be called working backwards to problem solve I guess.

I know how to wrap html around a URL cos I use Blog Assist a lot- thanks Greg for that little gem.

I didn’t realise that <br> forces an extra line like tapping Enter so the name, URL and logo sit with a space between them but if you knew html that would have been really simple! Have I just admitted how little I know!

So the finished code looks like this..


Does that make sense? I like it when I work at something and manage to get it working before midnight!

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