While we were up at Lake Rotoiti it was my job was to facilitate an activity with the principals which could be easily replicated in the classroom and which doesn’t require internet.
Firstly I give a hat tip to Amanda Signal and Jocelyn Mackay whose ideas I combined for this activity. I am a derivative.
I learnt from Amanda about five frame story telling- the title pretty much tells what you need to do. People take five photos that tell a story through those photos. For the principals I kicked it up a notch by giving them the theme of Leadership and they had to have the same prop running through the five photos.
From Jocelyn I had had the idea of making a CD ROM for each group with three different leadership type music tracks on each. They had to chose one of the tracks that best complemented the storytelling.
I had a number of tracks in my iTunes already but when I ran out of ideas I turned to Twitter for inspiration. People had a bit of fun helping me think of appropriate and less appropriate tracks.
People could chose the way they presented the photos but it had to be interesting and entertaining. The principals gave each other marks at the end- you can imagine how vicious they were in their marking but it was lots of fun.
There are a Flickr groups for the five frame story telling. This one for children and this one for educators.
If you are interested in viewing our plan click here. I was bad and I didn’t record the five photos that I used to show a five frame story. I should have.