I regularly start conversations with people about how important digital literacy, cyber safety and understanding the nature of the web is for them to understand but I learnt a couple of good lessons myself this week.
They revolved around asking permission to use other people’s images and work and the other was about the length of time things stay on line.
I was sharing some of my learning around using iPads and numeracy at a school this week. I thought things had gone well and everyone was leaving when one of the teachers came to me as I was packing up and we got into a conversation around other resources of mine she had used and one in particular on taking good photos.
She astounded me really as I have not shared that stuff in ages and it was of the first things that I shared in any sort of public way quite a number of years ago.
Back in the days when digital cameras were new I had made a Powerpoint for my class on how to take good photos using the Rule of Thirds. I had used all my own family photos apart from a couple that I had ‘borrowed’ from the ICT facilitator of the time, Jocelyn MacKay. I don’t recall asking Jocelyn if I could use her images and I had no idea where she had got them from- I assumed from some anonymous internet source.
I hadn’t asked my family members either if I could use their photos cos I reckoned they were my family and wouldn’t mind but on reflection I should have asked them too! It was in the days before I worried about whose images I was using and whether I should ask first.
Anyway this teacher said she was surprised to be viewing a the Rule of Thirds Powerpoint I had shared and see a photo of her nephew at the age of about six. Her nephew is now twenty-five and living overseas. She was OK with it and didn’t mind but I was still embarrassed that it was there.
Everyone’s image on the internet is their own and I should always ask first before assuming it is OK to use other people’s stuff.
It is a lot harder to retrace your steps once the image has left the privacy of your camera.
I need to think more about these sorts of things and be more vigilant.
Hello! My name is Jake Dukes and I am a Junior at the University of South Alabama. I am currently in the class EDM310. This class teaches you all about technology and different ways to use it. I think it is going to be very useful thing once I become a teacher. Every student that wants to be a teacher has to complete this course.
I like your thought about asking permission to post pictures of someone. I know a few people that hate having their picture on social media and they ask me if we take a picture just to keep it on my phone or camera but not to put it up where anyone can see it. I totally understand I don’t like people just taking pictures of me and just posting them for the world to see because I don’t know all their friends and it may make it unsafe for me.
Hey my name is Ashley Bigoney. Like the student above, I am also taking the class EDM310. So far I haven’t learned that much, but I’m hoping that by the end of the semester I know all about the new technologies and ways of teaching.
It is so crazy to me how you had a random picture in your power point, and it just so happened that someone that saw it recognized someone in it. What are the chances of that happening. Anyways, I agree that you need to ask before using someone else’s pictures. You never know who will see it. I have also had family members that have been mad that I put a picture of them on social media. So, you should probably even ask your family members before using their pictures.
Well…that had to be all kinds of awkward I bet. Y’know, I never thought about asking my friends and family for their permission to use pictures or photos of themselves until now. Like you, I always just assumed that, hey, they’re dear friends and family, why wouldn’t it be okay? I shouldn’t have to ask permission to use these pictures and/or photos.
But, I see now how wrong I was. So from here on out, I’ll be sure to check with my friends and family before I upload and post any of their stuff online.
Oh, and I too am from EDM310. Same as those guys above me.
Great post!! I work at a camp each summer and my director told us to ask before we took pictures with people and posted them on the internet. I had never really thought of asking people before she said that. I guess I always just assumed it was okay. But now that I think of it, everyone should ask because once you post that picture online, it is there forever.
Lot’s of comments from fellow classmates on this post.
I’m intrigued by the teacher’s response to seeing her nephew. Most people I know would look at that experience as a “small world” moment. It reminds me of many friends of mine having issue with social media and being “Tagged” in an image or post. Perhaps that’s the new direction occurrences like this one will be handled. I had a flash of a professional photographer having rooms dedicated to waiver forms. With the advent of the internet and social media, those permissions can be given and taken away as the subject sees fit. It would put equal parts responsibility on the photographer and “model” while saving resources.
Looks like you have been put on the required reading list 🙂
Have just added your blog to my Flipboard – thank you for sharing your journey.
Indeed I have.
I hate to think that I am someone’s homework.
Thanks for taking the time to comment.