Book Creator is my most highly recommended iPad app for all kinds of reasons.
Firstly is its flexibility. I find it being used with pre-schoolers right through to senior students.
- I see grandparents making social stories for their grandchildren and recording their own and the children’s voices.
- I see junior school students using Book Creator to record and explain their thinking around all kinds of curriculum thinking areas.
- I see more senior students planning, writing, illustrating and hyperlinking their learning using the app.
- I love the way that users can collaboratively author their books using the app and books started on different iPads can be easily brought together into one combined book for publication. We use Flick or Google Drive to bring the larger projects together in this way.
I see Book Creator being used across the curriculum in all sorts of ways.
- Using the free hand drawing feature to explain maths strategies.
- Using the camera tool to add illustrations from children’s own art work.
- Using the add photos tool to add pre-recorded video self reflections on work or progress.
- Using the add text feature for written language and hyperlinking to web resources.
- To pull together an ePortfolio of learning throughout the term.
I really enjoy the intuitive ease of use of Book Creator. I love apps that don’t really need to be ‘taught’. If you want to add a new element you tap the + button. If you want to personalise an element select it and tap the i to get more info about what you might do with it. Easy as.
Book Creator is available across platforms as well so it works equally as well on an Android device.
When completing the books I also appreciate the myriad of ways they can be exported from the iPad as finished pieces.
Simplest would be to export to iBooks. This is a great option for those who want to read and re-read their books.
You can export the book as a video. This is a lovely way to bring the book alive. All of the audio and recorded video will play inside the exported video.iBook
You can export the book as an ePub. This way your book will be able to be read on any laptop with ePub reader app like Readium Chrome Web App, Mac iBooks or Calibre on a Windows Device.
You can also export your book as an ordinary PDF for printing for classroom wall display or to send via snail mail to our non digital whānau.
Book Creator has recently introduced their Book Creator Ambassador Programme to recognise and champion the uses of Book Creator in classrooms.
I am proud to say that they asked me to join the programme. I can now add Book Creator to my Digital Badging Portfolio.
And now with the update you can excite and engage your learners with comic like books.
How do you use Book Creator with your learners?