School 2.0

Will Richardson had this on his blog and I like it and want to share it with you. I used that tool I talked about in the last post to put a quotation from someone else’s blog onto yours…

I would like to work in a school like this and I bet the kids would too! I am working towards my classroom having more of these opportunities. We already have some of these features well ticked which is wonderful.

To that end, this particular group began envisioning what their school and their community could become in the next 3-5 years with a lot of conversation, a lot of support, and a lot of work. I’ll quote here from one of the planning documents they have created in terms of what they see, for now:

* A community where the conversation is more about what students are demonstrating than the scores on the test
* Where residents have a window into the classroom
* A community that can participate in a more global conversation about learning and teaching
* A school that is the center of learning for the community
* One that has a more open network to the world
* One with more opportunities for global learning
* One where the desks aren’t in rows
* Teachers that have wider learning networks and are excited about new technologies
* Teachers that have freedom to learn and feel supported and not fearful
* Students that have more freedom to learn and are drivers of their own learning
* Students that have more collaborative learning experiences and interactions with the local community
* Learning that is centered around essential, big questions

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