Flixn.com and Second Life

A great find from Jane Nicholls of ICTUCAN podcasting fame.


I can see lots of uses for this little Web2.0 tool. It reminds me of Bubbleshare except that you use a webcam instead of still images. Flixn.com embeds in Blogger and I am trying here to see if it will embed into Edublogs as well (it doesn’t BTW).

I can’t wait until I get my new computer with a webcam attached. Roll on October, Apple! I will let Jane speak for herself. Click on the photo to see it working.

Jane, Sheryl and I had a play in Second Life today as well. Jane showed me around David Warlick and Will Richardson‘s Office. It was a bit of a cheek really and I virtually blushed when Sheryl Nussbaum-Beach turned up and we introduced ourselves. Image We were impressed when Sheryl flew about the place and started moving the furniture! We tried to have a group photo but the couch was too small and I am not very good at sitting down!

I keep on bumping into things. My avatar is a skinny young thing and my name is Scrumples Schnyder so if you see a skinny young thing with the name Scrumples Schnyder repeatedly bumping into walls do come up and say hello!

I have been a bit scathing of Second Life but it was way much more fun with a guide to give you a few tips on how to open doors & the like and meeting up with a friend as well. I will have a bit more of a play with this one.

6 thoughts on “Flixn.com and Second Life

  1. Yes I can see great uses for this in my classroom – peer assessments for a start. I hope to have a trial with it on Friday.
    As to Second Life, I’ve been in a few times and obviously need guide as I can’t seem to find anything useful! It’s a great time waster! It also conforms me as a digital immigrant when I was beginning to think I may almost be a digital native!!!

  2. I am definetely a digital immigrant as I have no idea what you are talking about. I look forward to being enlightened.

  3. Ok, so I’ve kept to my word and joined SL as it’s the holidays!
    I can totally sympathise with you about the bumping into walls etc! – I have been doing a fair bit of that and have only just learned to sit down 🙂
    Might see you around; I am KatarinaMay Capalini

    Cya, Rach

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