Download Cross Country Podcast
First of all this only really works if you convert your enhanced podcasts or audio files to .mp3 files which is fine if you are OK with only listening to audio but I prefer to look and listen but there you go. Blogger is working on embedding video from within Blogger which is really cool as well.
To make the files in the first place you can use Garageband, Audacity, Audio Hijacker, Skype’s Call Recorder or whatever.
You then need to have your files hosted somewhere on line like File Den or Ripway or your own website I suppose.
Get the file location URL that will look a little like this…
Now copy and paste this into your new post surrounded by the code in red.
<embed src=”″ autostart=”false” loop=”false” controls=”console” height=”62″ width=”144″></embed>
It’s a neat trick isn’t it!
I saw last week that Brightwater etc had discovered it and investigated it. Should be great for audio only podcasts. I’ll be giving it a go next term with my class.
Cheers, Rachel
Greetings Allanah,
You have been on holiday too ! It is always good to have time to devote to a new item for your blog. Must admit now that I am a principal I am having to adjust my Web2.0 skills – having a class gives a lot of meaning to tinkering ! I need to figure out what principal tinkering is !
Your blog is looking great and you have been into some pretty cool stuff. Hope the rest of the break treats you well.
Hi Allanah,
I have been reading your blog with great interest and this post gives me tons of ideas. I had been reading the newer posts thinking how cool your little podcast icon was and wondering how you did this.. then I read further and you have already explained it. I have a goal of getting my class podcasting this term and was going to try podomatic but will check out this option too. Thanks for sharing!
Marnie Thomas
Meadowbank School, Auckland, NZ