Why Blog?

Why blog?

There are a lot of great reasons why teachers need to have a blog or wikispace but it was brought home to me this week of the most basic reason of why even the least internet savy needs to have a blog or wikispace.

Children need a generic place from which go to web spaces for learning without typing an impossibly long web address.

Imagine trying to have people to go to this web address without it being hyperlinked somewhere


I would defy anyone to type that and get it right. You could use a URL shortner like http://goo.gl/ or http://tinyurl.com/ but even then typing http://goo.gl/S80J3 and getting it right first time will be problematic for kids.

So here is a scenario!

A teacher has been told about a great website that they want to direct their class to like Spelling List Five of Spell-Write. The teacher has entered the spelling words into the website and saved the list.

The web address (URL) for it is http://www.spellingcity.com/view-spelling-list.html?listId=1914671

How are the children going to get there? The teacher could shorten it with http://goo.gl/xXOyP but typing even that will be time consuming with possibilities of typing it incorrectly and ending up somewhere where you didn’t want to go or having to start all over again.

If the teacher has a web presence that is the Home Page on the computer in their classroom all the children have to do is open up their web browser and there is the named link on the blog or wikispace. Even if you are out and about you can still find your resource if it is linked to the blog.

For a couple of examples look down the side bar of our class blog  http://moturoa.blogspot.com/ for reading and maths links.

If you want to know how to do this in Blogger here is a ‘how to’ on how to do it.


And this time I’ll hyperlink it so you can see how easier it is to find with a hyperlink.




Virtual Learning Network Resource

A couple of weeks ago I made a resource to support our Lead Teachers as we begin exploring the Virtual Learning Network Resource for kiwi teachers to connect and collaborate.

The VLN is a social learning community where teachers, learners, school leaders and facilitators connect, join virtual programmes/projects, share experiences, and develop new ways to support learning through ICTs.

Please use this VLN help site to help you find your way through the VLN and get the most out of the possibilities that it offers. The beginning video is useful in realising why this sort of learning is beneficial. If there is anything you would like me to add please let me know in the comments.

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Cyber-Safety Resource

One of the goals for our cluster is to promote home school partnerships. As part of that we ran a evening parent information evening on Cyber-Safety.

Through my RSS feed I came across the ten most concerning things about cyber-safety for parents. We thought we might attempt to address all of them through our presentation. We looked at…

As a resource for parents Charles Newton and I prepared this Google site to support the people as we discussed the issues around cyber-safety. I had never really gone all out to write a Google site and was pleasantly surprised how easy it was to get some thing that looked half decent.

Here it is for you to use as you see fit.


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Ban Cellphones and Wireless Networks in Schools?

I received a short email today from a principal who had been sent a link from a parent questioning the school’s growing wireless network for fear of the danger of electro-magnetic waves damaging children’s brains and general development and likening ignoring the potential dangers similarly to the dangers of asbestos, tobacco smoking and lead in petrol.IMG_1619


My initial reaction was to say they need to get over themselves.

I use my iPhone as a snooze alarm to wake up in the morning so I sleep with the phone centimetres from my head, I have a wireless network at my home and school. I walk down the main street of town and pick up multiple wireless networks.

Are all these things doing us a damage? Or is this fear coming from a fear of all things digital?

To me ordinary radio waves coming through the air is like magic. In the old days were people afraid of radio? Are the dying bees of America a result of wireless networks broadcasting their poison?

A little support on what to advise would be very much appreciated.

My reflection on using RSS to learn and develop a Personal Learning Network

Here is my reflection on our journey to use RSS to communicate and learn from one another.

Our Nelson Link Learning Cluster is a group of thirty-five schools wide spread from Hira to Wakefield to Riwaka in the Nelson basin. As you can see we are geographically spread so opportunities for group meetings are precious and costly. We are a primary school cluster with one Intermediate School, one residential school for girls with special learning needs, one specialised special needs school, rural, urban, contributing and full primary. It can take an hour and half to drive from one school to another!

We are loosely based around The Loop collaboration of schools working on fibre ultra-fast broadband but not exclusively so.

Cluster Goal
Our goal is to encourage teachers to share e-learning best practice, encouraging reflection and sharing.

Goal: Ensuring collegial support by encouraging teachers and schools to develop reflective practices to reflect on and share their e-learning experiences.

Intentions- why did we do this?

  • To bring the cluster teachers together to share practice and see what other teachers are doing with their blogs
  • For teachers to personalise their professional development by reading the thoughts of educational leaders directly
  • To interact with educational leaders directly by contributing to conversation in comments.
  • For Principals to be aware of what teachers on their staff are publishing on their school blogs in the school name.
  • For Principals to encourage and participate in the publishing of their teachers
  • For Principals to personalise their professional development by reading what other principals and thought leaders are sharing on line

Interventions- What we did
The cluster facilitator had attended Learning at School in Rotorua some years ago and attended a workshop run by David Warlick on using RSS as a means to personalising your online reading experience.


As part of our Lead Teacher Day programme at the end of last year (2010) we had had an attempt to set up a Google Reader RSS feed but it was not as successful as we had hoped because we are such a large group of nearly forty people and not all of us could connect to the internet at the same time so many of were not able to set up and populate their RSS feed.


We thought that having an RSS feed was an important way to help us move toward fulfilling our cluster goal of share e-learning best practice so we tried again in 2011 with the venue’s new wireless internet solution and we were all able to be on line at the same time. A screencast video tutorial could give some assistance to those who found the process tricky.

As a resource we used a handout by Sylvia Tolasino and the facilitator was able to share her personal RSS and how to add a READER and SUBSCRIBE bookmark to participants’ web browser toolbars. For some even being able to view their browser toolbar was a challenge.


We started by facilitating a workshop on Getting Good with Google where teachers were able to create a Google account if they did not already have one.


Many teachers over the past six months had already created a Google Account so it made sense to use Google Reader for their RSS feed as Bloglines was, at that stage, in decline, and some schools already have Google Apps.

We had previously recorded our cluster blogs on our wiki so teachers were able to retrieve their colleagues’ blogs from the database.


Teachers were then able to choose which blogs to subscribe to with their Google Reader. People were then encouraged to comment, encourage and learn from other’s blogs found through their RSS Reader. The aim is to reprise the concept each following cluster workshop so that we can share our challenges and new learning.

We repeated this session with Principals at their next cluster meeting. Principals looked at the activity from the differing perspective of knowing what is happening in their school and to learn from reading the blogs of other New Zealand principals and educational leaders.

The facilitator wrote a blog post with links to NZ blogging principals and invited others through her Twitter network and blog to add any principals that she had missed. Principals could then easily see the hyperlinks to the blogs of others.


Teachers and Principals were able to create an RSS feed. Some later asked for more individual assistance to make sure that they ‘got it’. This was appreciated as it showed that they could see the usefulness and purpose of having an RSS feed.

Some, although they created an RSS feed at the workshop, have not followed through to use and add to their RSS in their own time quoting a lack of time or focus on other things.

Lead Teachers are still getting to grips with the practice themselves and many are not yet ready to share their new learning with others on their staff.

Impact on students/teachers/whanau
Some lead teachers have really taken the practice on board and are successfully forming partnerships with other teachers and their classes through their class blogs. Teachers have reflected how cool it was to have their peers comment and give feedback on their blogs.

The teachers who are regularly checking their RSS feeds are learning what others are doing in their classes and are beginning to open their class to others.

Next Steps

  • We need to revisit using RSS at future Lead Teacher days to ensure that the practice becomes more embedded.
  • We need to encourage people to, once they have read their new content, to move out of their RSS reader to converse and give feedback to the authors on a more regular basis
  • We need to encourage and support Lead Teachers to share the use of RSS with their team back at school so that it becomes a regular way to share their practice and personalise their professional development.

Reflective interviews with Cluster personnel

  • Sandra Rolls: Tasman Bay Christian School

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DyukDpfhwz4 2 minutes: 41 sec

  • Charles Newton: Cluster Consultant

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N8c6asqr_YI 9 minutes: 34 sec

  • Cheryl Eden: Richmond Primary School

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hfknbwo6x7M 3 minutes: 41 sec

iPad Sharing #2- Podcast

Over the weekend Chris Betcher rang to ask if I’d like to Skype into a chat about our best and brightest iOS apps- iPad, iPod Touch, iPhone. Not one to turn down an invitation I got myself organised. In the conversation also were Deon Scanlon from Slide to Learn and our own Andrew Churches with a visit from Amanda Mirrinan.

To listen you can either listen directly from Chris’ blog post but better still subscribe to his podcast in iTunes. That way you can stop and start it easily at your leisure or listen on the way to work.

Chris has hyperlinked each of the apps as well. Cheers Chris.


Child, Parent, Grandparent, Teacher

photoTonight I had the privilege of being in a friend’s classroom soon after the bell went on Friday afternoon. A family group had come in to ‘see how things were going’ and show the classroom to visiting family. As they were walking about looking at the classroom displays Sherryn showed the family inside the child’s KnowledgeNet page. I whipped my trusty iPhone out and recorded the conversation. She was sharing a graph that children had constructed. She then used Jing to record the conversation with the child about the graph and uploaded it to KnowledgeNet to share with whanau at home but as they were in the room they could see it on the big screen.

It was great to see the whole thing coming together.

Developing an RSS Feed for Principals

At our last week’s Principal’s meeting for our cluster we facilitated a workshop on developing an RSS feed using Google Reader specifically focussed on the the sorts of things that we thought principals might be interested in. We will develop this more over time but I thought it might be useful to list the blogs that we suggested we added to our reader. At the workshop we used a Google Doc but they click more easily from a blog post.

If I missed anyone that you think should be in my list please let me know and I will add them.

Our best reads…. Teachers in our cluster who edublogphoto-4

http://tracyprout.edublogs.org/ Tracy Prout – Tasman Bay Christian School

https://allanahk.edublogs.org/ Allanah King- Me!

http://cherryl.edublogs.org/ Cherryl Eden – Richmond Primary

http://kellimcr.wordpress.com/ Kellie McRobert – Nayland Primary

http://sarnee.edublogs.org/ Sandra Rolls – Tasman Bay Christian School

Kiwi Blogging Leaders and Principals

http://blog.core-ed.org/derek/ Derek Wenmoth, CORE

http://blog.core-ed.org/ Core Education Blog

http://blog.core-ed.org/greg/ Greg Carroll, Outram, Dunedin

http://edorigami.edublogs.org/ Andrew Churches, Kirsten College, Auckland

http://pr1nc1pal.blogspot.com/ John Dorman, St Paul’s, Nelson

http://leading-learning.blogspot.com/ Bruce Hammonds

http://regano.edublogs.org/ Regan Orr- Principal of Koputaroa School, Horowhenua

http://burnhamprincipal.blogspot.com/ Rob Clarke

http://wedontknowhowluckyweare.blogspot.com/ Luke Sumich- Summerlands, Auckland

http://maramastewart.com/ Marama Stewart, Pukeokahu School, Taihape

http://www.kaimai.school.nz/principal/ Dane Robertson, Tauranga

http://mikeanz.blogspot.com/ Mike Anderson, Waimari, Christchurch

http://thechalkface.wordpress.com/ Danny Nicholls, St Patricks

http://stanleyave-principal.blogspot.com/ Stuart Armistead, Stanley Ave, Te Aroha

http://mattskilton.blogspot.com/ Matt Skilton, Muritai School, Wellington

http://carolyn-stuartcomments.blogspot.com/ Carolyn Stuart, Tawa Int

http://thinkbeyond.co.nz/blog/ Cheryl Doig, Christchurch

http://awapunischool.blogspot.com/ Steven Soutar, Awapuni, Palmerston North.

Blogs that may interest you- leadership etc.

http://chrisbetcher.com/ Chris Betcher- ICT leader- Sydney

http://www.tonyryan.com.au/blog/ Tony Ryan- Learning Consultant- Australia

http://edu.blogs.com/edublogs/ Ewan McIntosh- Ed Leader- Scotland

http://www.principalspage.com/theblog/ Michael Smith, USA


http://edtalks.org/ Better still search iTunes for Edtalks and subscribe to these educational video podcasts and view them at your leisure.


http://www.stuff.co.nz/national/education Stuff- Newspaper link with a focus on education

http://www.educationalleaders.govt.nz/ Look for the RSS icon for ‘News & Hot Topics’ and ‘Professional Learning Articles’.

http://nzcurriculum.tki.org.nz/ Look for the RSS icon for ‘Latest News’.

And Charles added that all principals should be following and commenting on the blogs of their classes and also shared some of the blogs in his RSS…

Education news and commentary…

http://www.ictineducation.org/ UK digest for “leaders and managers of educational ICT”

http://www.eschoolnews.com/ Amercian

http://www.educationmatters.ie/ Irish education digest

http://bigthink.com/ big ideas….not just about education

http://www.edutopia.org/ the George Lucas Educational Foundation

http://teachpaperless.blogspot.com/ a collaboratively written blog dedicated to conversation and commentary about the intertwined worlds of digital technology, new media, and education.

http://www.ucea.org/ University Council for Educational Administration Texas

Interesting individuals………

http://larryferlazzo.edublogs.org/ has great links to collections of websites

http://teacherleaders.typepad.com/the_tempered_radical/ – teacher Bill Ferriter’s hard hitting comments

http://theinnovativeeducator.blogspot.com/ Lisa Nielsen is an innovative educator in New York City

http://jeffthomastech.com/blog/ Jeff Thomas a Director of Technology at a private middle school.

http://bigthink.com/blogs/dangerously-irrelevant Scott McLeod (currently on sabbatical in NZ)

Since I posted this on Sunday people have added further suggestions via the comments or Twitter so here they are….

http://www.educationalleaders.govt.nz/News Ministry RSS for educational leaders

http://www.nzcer.org.nz/ NZCER

http://sethgodin.typepad.com/ Seth Godin, ideas and marketing

http://www.connectedprincipals.com/ Connected Principals- a collective principals’ blog

http://movingforward.wikispaces.com/Education+Blogs+by+Discipline Scroll down to find Principal Blogs to subscribe to

http://schooltechleadership.org/research/projects/blogs-administrator/ List of leadership blogs from Scott McLeod

http://speirs.org/ Fraser Speirs, Cedars School of Excellence, Scotland

http://www.n2growth.com/blog/form-over-substance/ Where CEO’s come to grow

Key Competencies and Web Tools

Since the end of last year I have been looking for an easy to use, collaborative mind mapping tool. Over the weekend I think I may have found one. Popplet lets you easily intuitively create Popplets, change their colours, text size, and links. I am having a bit of trouble with the collaborative side of things as my invites don’t seem to be getting through. I like it over some others that I have tried that are too hard to navigate and it does embed nicely elsewhere.

When you are looged in you can number the Popplets and out it into Presentation Mode and get a Prezi like experience without the seasick feeling.

You can export it as a pdf or jpeg which is also handy.

The task I was trying to do is link the Key Competencies to web tools that may support them but I am finding that lots of web tools fit across all the Key competencies and my mind map is looking a bit crowded.

Here’s a link to the actual Popplet and it as a pdf as at 28 March 2011.

Photo Competition Plagiarism

SunsetThe cluster is sponsoring a photo competition. It is all very exciting and we have had a two well attended after school resource sharing workshops on photography, time given to it at the Lead Teacher Day and Principals’ Morning so we are all set to go.

So we are starting to get a few entries. Last week I got emailed a stunning photo from one of my Year Four girls so she could enter the competition. I was suspicious that she hadn’t actually taken the photo because I didn’t recognise the skyline as being local.  Firstly I asked her where she took the photo and didn’t get a reply. I was even more suspicious.Screen shot 2011-03-27 at 11.57.06 AM

Fortunately Warren and Charles were about with a little advice on where to go to check out whether a photo has been used elsewhere on the net.

http://www.tineye.com/ was the site that was recommended. I uploaded the photo and was pleased (dismayed) to find that the photo was indeed borrowed.

I’m OK with children enhancing their photos with any tools they have on hand- iPhoto, Photoshop etc but just want the taking and enhancing be done by the child. In fact enhancing photos to improve them is to be encouraged.

Using the Tineye site won’t help with children entering photos taken by others in the family but will definitely help with photos taken from the internet.

This will be the basis of an interesting discussion in class on my next teaching day.

Getting Good With Google

A couple of weeks ago Tony Ryan spent some afternoons with us and encouraged us to invest some time in learning how to search the internet efficiently to save time in the long run. To support our Lead Teachers I made this resource that started its life as a Google Doc….. No point printing it out because then none of the links will work!!!!!

and other good ways to search the web

A lot of these ideas have come from this 100+ Google help page.


1. First of all we looked at some good tips for searching with Google

1.1 Alter the kind of search that Google does by changing your default to ‘safe search’.

1.2 Put speech marks around words if you want an exact match; eg when you Google Allanah King you get 5,360,000 hits. When you Google “Allanah King” you get 4,710 hits.

1.3 If you want page results from New Zealand make sure you select them from the left hand tool bar.

1.4 Use Google Advanced Search to search for a particular file format like a pdf or a ppt.

1.5 Use Wonderwheel to help clarify your search and refine with keywords and concepts.

1.6 Use Timeline to find out the timeline of when things happened through the decades – or to find articles from a particular month.

1.7 Use Google Squared to find out facts and figures about sets of things like ‘planets’.

1.8 Make sure Google Instant is on so that you Google can help you search intuitively and quickly. Use the arrow keys to skim down the search results and Enter to select. You can select Instant On in you Google search preferences.

1.9 To get results from a particular source enter Japan tsunami site:cnn.com will return pages about the Japanese tsunami but only from CNN news sources. Works with country codes as well eg earthquakes site:nz will give you NZ earthquake sites.

1.10 Some common search queries are as a screen grab below

2. Then we will look at some other great search engines

2.1 A great search engine is Delicious. You can choose whose online bookmarks you search through- these, yours, your networks or the look for the tags. A lot of the filtering has been done for you.


2.2 Google You Tube Search Engine http://www.youtube.com/

Use the Search Options to refine your search


2.3 One of my favourites is Qwiki– it cleverly reads you the search query with visuals to support it. Here is my blog post about it.

2.4 Another interesting one is Twurdy which attempts to give you an idea of the reading level of the search results. Great for a primary school.

You can also do a similar thing inside Advanced Search.

2.5 The next a visual Boolean Search engine, Boolify, that would help children             understand the concept of Boolean Searches.

Here is Andrew Churches handout on Boolean searches that might help clarify how Boolean searches work.


2.6 Next is QuinturaForKids– a search engine aimed at kids. It gives a word cloud which would help children refine their searches.

2.7 The next is Wolfram Alpha where you can find out all sorts of mathematical and data facts.

2.8 Very oddly is Spezify which searches for things in a text and pictorial sort of way. Try it to check out your own digital footprint. Here I tried it on my own name and came up with a heap of results from recently and way back.

2.9 Twitter searches http://twitter.com/

2.10 And lastly for the moment are some image search engines that you search for creative commons images that are free for you to us rather than stealing other people’s work from Google Images.

2.10.1- Pics4Learning http://www.pics4learning.com/

2.10.2- MorgueFile http://www.morguefile.com/

2.10.3 Tag Galaxy- http://taggalaxy.de/

3. And then we look at some other clever things that Google can do.

3.1 Google Translate http://translate.google.com/ and listen to many foreign languages.

3.2 Newspaper Map http://newspapermap.com/ A Google mashup that translate many global newspapers.

3.3 Google Calendar https://www.google.com/calendar/

3.4 Google RSS Reader http://www.google.co.nz/reader/

3.5 Google Maps https://maps.google.co.nz/

3.6 Google Docs https://docs.google.com/

3.7 Google Mail https://mail.google.com/

3.8 Google Labs http://www.googlelabs.com/ Things that might grow into big things. Google’s 20% time.

4. And we all did little quiz to see how good you are at doing efficient searches on the internet. Crunchies and Turkish Delight then followed.

Our Searching Practice Quiz

What have I missed that you would add to this workshop on making good searches?

eLearnings: Implementing a National Strategy for ICT

ELearningsSome time ago Derek Wenmoth asked me to contribute my thoughts to a book he was compiling to archive the impact and implementation of the national ICT in education strategy in New Zealand 1998-2010.

I was, at the same time, honoured that he would think of me and overwhelmed by the task ahead. Derek wanted a teacher’s perspective on the changes over the last ten years in ICT in NZ.

My contribution reads a little like a CV in that in chronologically delves into my journey with ICT over the last decade.

My teaching has changed immensely since I began this journey. Only six years ago- a huge amount of time in the life of a New Entrant but a dot in time for someone who has been teaching as long as I have.

I really am an ordinary teacher doing pretty ordinary things but I tend to share them through my blogs and on line spaces so people know about what I do in class. ICT has afforded me many opportunities that I would never have dreamed about before and now I know couldn’t teach well without access to my Personal Learning Network of friends and colleagues, some of whom I have never met.

Contents include:

Designing the Vision:
Policy perspectives on the development of the national Strategies for ICTs, 1998-2010.
Securing the Foundations:
Perspectives on the development of a technical ICT infrastructure for centres and schools.
Building Teacher Capability:
Sector and teacher perspectives on teacher learning and professional development.
Developing Digital Content and Digital Communities:
Perspectives on learning ‘online’, the Virtual Learning Network and building online communities of practice.
Improving Student Learning and Engagement:
Research and case studies on student learning in ICT contexts: elearning for literacy, languages, enquiry, and engaging local communities.
The Future – Trends, Challenges and Opportunities

The book is reasonably priced at NZ$19:90. You may like to get yourself a copy.


Share IT

photo-5As the terrible tragedy of the earthquake unfolded today in Christchurch I am at Learning at School conference in Rotorua. I was asked to do an EdTalk. Here is the transcript of what I wanted to say….

I am Allanah King. I am a teacher and an ICT facilitator for the Link Learning ICT cluster in Nelson.

I want to encourage you to share your practice and the learning events that happen in your classroom.

I taught for twenty years in my own classroom with my class of thirty children. My world was corralled by my classroom walls. I rarely got out of my teaching space and the children and parents of that group of thirty children were the beginning and end of my world. Sad I know!

We did some fabulous school work. I put that work on the walls of my classroom and it went home at the end of the term and at most it would have been seen by 40 to 100 people. Now and again another teacher or parent would walk through my class and give us some feedback and encouragement but this was rare and random.

I would sometimes look up from my classroom activity and gaze at the cars going down the highway near school and wonder what was happening in the outside world.

In 2005 I went to a course with Mark Treadwell and he put a photo on the internet really quickly and told me that he had used Blogger to do it. I nodded knowingly and then went home and Googled the word Blogger and worked out how to put my own photos on the internet.

I first started a family blog, then a classroom blog and was encouraged by the feedback of others in my own school and local schools.

The isolation of my classroom was being chipped away.

I felt a connection with others outside my school and I started learning from them and then with them. With other teachers in jobs like mine with similar frustrations and joys- just like mine.

After some encouragement I started an Education Blog. Now- as well as sharing what I was doing in the classroom I began to share my professional thinking. I could share the things I had learnt, I could reflect on my own progress as a learner. I record the professional development opportunities I had been given. I could model the things that I want the children in my class to be- confident, connected, actively involved, life long learners.

I believe we, as teachers, have what Dean Shareski from Canada calls a ‘moral imperative’ to share our practice with others.

If you go on a course to learn something thing new it is cost effective to share it with others. An average day long course costs a small fortune- reliever, cost of salary and course fees. If teachers go to a conference or course for even one day and do not share their experiences and new learning then they have wasted thousands of tax payers dollars.

We owe it to the people around us to share our practice, our experiences, our teaching.

In my classroom I have found that children really ‘get’ a concept if they are given the opportunity to teach it to others. The same applies to teachers when they share. By sharing my classroom and professional learning I have put aside the time to reflect and make my new learning stick.

When you share your learning by taking the time to put it on line you acquire the self discipline and presence of mind to frame your thoughts in a more coherent, sensible way- clarifying and defining your own perspective.

Learning from other teachers is most powerful. We can learn from each other and with each other.

If you share what you do you develop a network of people that will support you even when things go wrong.

You can and should learn from your mistakes and what might work for one person or class may not work for another.

What better way to share and connect with others than in an online space like a blog. With a blog you can reach people from all around the country and make connections with people who can support you and who can learn with you.

We are better together than we are on our own, when we share our lives and learning.

Unfortunately I found that my reading of the transcript was pretty lame and I had to wing it. You will have to wait and see what a dog’s breakfast I made of the talk.

Thanks @Jedd and @JaneNicholls

OK- for better or worse- here it is!

iPad Sharing #1

IMG_1405Did I tell you I love my job? At the end of last year at a cluster governance meeting Charles Newton asked me, “Did I have an iPad yet?” I have an iPhone, iBook, iPod Touch, iPhone and some iPods but no iPad.

What was a girl to do but get herself an iPad. Or better still have work get me an iPad. Over the holidays I set about getting one and booking it up! I bought a robust cover for it from Trade Me cos it’s going to get a goodly amount of handing about over the year.

Over the holidays I put a decent amount of down time getting to know it and scouring my Personal Learning Network for excellent apps for teachers and children. Then we product tested it with family visitors over January.

Early in the new year two schools in my patch did a spot of heavy investing in iPads and I helped them deploy the iPads. I thought our learning may be of interest to others about to do a similar thing so here goes…

  • There is a discussion as to whether it is worthwhile buying screen protectors. One school is leasing the iPads and chose not to have screen protectors thus saving $400. The other school has bought theirs and put covers on. Only time will tell how the ‘naked’ iPads will fare. I will report back in three years time.
  • iPads are meant to be single user devices and you have to think carefully of how you might manage that in a classroom situation. We thought about how to individualise the iPads so that students could tell them apart by putting different stickers on them and making each homepage image different. Maybe next time I would suggest if you were going to buy skins or covers for them that you buy as many different colours of them as possible so students can remember which one they were using. They all look the same and a lot of the work or content you have created on them would be stored on each machine separately and different covers would help children tell which is which if they were going to come back to it at a later stage.
  • We physically had to take the iPads around the school to hook them up to the different wireless networks. A task done once to safe initial frustration of not being able to get on the internet.
  • Warren Hall wrote an interesting post on the CORE blog about the purchase of apps on multiple devices. It is problematic to buy apps legally for use in schools with multiple iPads. I hope a practical solution is sorted out soon.
  • At home with my iPad I made a new email address just for the iPad because I didn’t want it synching with my personal emails. That is something we will sort out a bit later. If you want to get a document or screengrab onto another device email is an easy way to do it. I wonder what other people do for this- will one email address cover all of the iPads? A question for Learning at School workshop presenters next week.
  • To take a screen grab- press the home button first and then the power together takes a screen grab and puts it in the photo library.
  • To save a photo from the internet press and hold. It saves it to your photo album where it can be accessed by other applications like Photogene and Sonic Pics.
  • To add a web-page on the home screen. Go to the page, tap arrow out icon and select where to add the bookmark.

So here are some of my all time favourite apps for the iPads… so far at least.

  • Sonic Pics– $4:19 Buy the paid version. It’s worth it. Digital storytelling at its easiest- exports as email, YouTube or direct transfer via URL
  • World Maths Day 2011– free- practice before and after the day and go live when the week is on.
  • Puppet Pals– free but you can buy extra scenes and characters. Last week we used the app to practise our mihi. You manipulate characters and record voiceovers. Kids love it. It doesn’t export unfortunately but its creators are working on that feature. To export I just videoed the scene.
  • Talking Tom Cat– free but you can buy extra characters. Tom is really cute and he repeats everything you say. Great for encouraging talking. You can save what he says as a movie for export.
  • Animalia– $5:29 Like the book except the pages don’t get all torn and ripped.
  • PopOut! The Story of Peter Rabbit– $5:29 faithful interactive recreation of Beatrix Potter’s story.
  • Running Records– $2:59 Save yourself hours of mucking about with a calculator- it does the running record calulations for you in seconds.
  • Photogene $4:19 iPhoto like photo editing app- my fav editor. I know the iPad hasn’t got a camera but you can get photos on to the iPad when you synch it with your computer or by buying a USB adapter dongle.
  • Toy Story– free great graphics- comes with a simple game.
  • iBooks– free You can save pdfs from your computer directly to iBooks. really handy feature as well as view books to read.
  • Crazy Copy– free. Just like the old game of Simon Says where you copy sound patterns
  • Draw Board– free Just the thing for it you are missing your old blackboard.

That will do for the time being but there are lots more to share and more to come I am sure.

Apple Distinguished Educator

Over the Christmas school holidays I had put a considerable amount of time into thinking about and applying to be an Apple Distinguished Educator. Tonight that effort paid off with an email of acceptance into the programme. I am humbled by the calibre of those who applied and missed out and of those that applied and were accepted. Kia kaha. Kia manawanui.

I am also humbled by the number of congratulatory tweets I got after I did my happy dance on Twitter. What a hoot. I was top trending topic on Twitter there for a moment. I never knew there was such a thing. You learn something new every single day.

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Here is there press release for the programme…

“The Apple Distinguished Educator (ADE) Program began in 1994, when Apple identified key educators from around the globe who were emerging as leaders in the field of educational technology. Today, after 15 years, this community now consists of over 1,500 educators worldwide who utilise technology to impact how we educate students in primary, secondary and tertiary institutions. Apple is pleased to welcome me as one of the 40 newly selected members for the ADE Class of 2011 in Australia and New Zealand. Learn more about this group of innovative educators online at http://www.apple.com/au/education/apple-distinguished-educator/

Practically it means that we go to Sydney in April for four days of networking and training for the Apple Institute in Newport. What an adventure that will be.

Here is my video that I made as part of the application.

ADE Application

Horizon Report

I was astounded last week to be invited to serve on the 2011 Horizon Report: K12 Edition Advisory Board.

As you may know, the Horizon Project Advisory Boards provide vision and stimulus to the Horizon Project, New Media Consortium’s annual effort to identify and describe the key emerging technologies that will be influential for teaching, learning, and creative expression in tertiary education over the next five years. They consider for the report on adoption timelines, and to rank their potential impacts on the practices of museum education and digitally mediated interpretation. The consortium’s Horizon Reports are regarded worldwide as the most timely and authoritative sources of information on new and emerging technologies available to education anywhere.

Lake Rotoiti

You can read more about the project and read previous reports here.

I am in awe that they would ask me to contribute. I am the only Kiwi on the Board so feel the weight of responsibility for 4 million kiwis on my shoulders. I will do my best to be up to the task and hope that my contributions are valuable.

I wonder if they would like my Lake Rotoiti photo for the front cover 🙂

Starting a You Tube Video at a specific point

I was chatting to Warren Hall last night and wanted to show him our old Austin A40 from a family video that I had put on YouTube over Christmas but it was seven minutes into it. He very cleverly showed me how to do it. So easy and it’s something I thought would be tricky. You probably know how to do it already but I certainly didn’t. I am putting it here so I can recall it if I forget. And it’s good to share new learning 😉

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So to get a You Tube video to start at a specific point you play it to where you want it to stop, pause it and see how far into the video it is and then tag #t= on to the end of the URL along with the time in minutes and seconds like in the screen grab and hey presto.
Give it a try- it’s very handy!

Digital Portfolio

The cluster milestone and 2011 variation has been handed in and will hopefully get a big tick. As part of the variation it says that the facilitator is to keep a digital portfolio and to coach others to do the same.

As an ELF facilitator (eLearning Facilitator) I was thinking about that. What would you consider to be a digital portfolio for a teacher?

Would you consider my Edublog, my blog record of my professional development, our Moturoa class blog, my Tweets, my 365 photoblog, my Delicious trail, my Blogger resource blog, my podcast, podcasting wiki and my RSS feed to be a digital portfolio?

All of these things are public and I sometimes feel the need to write and share something to garner the opinions of others or just to vent my frustrations but don’t because I realise the line between being open and respecting the privacy of my colleagues and the children in my class.

Would maintaining a private reflective journal that no one apart from myself ever sees, shares or reviews be of any use to myself or others?

Your thoughts would be appreciated.

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In my internet meanderings I came across Qwiki a couple of days ago and just this morning got my alpha invite. I am impressed.

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I am not sure if they know where I live but their welcome page gives New Zealand as their search example. Well done guys!

The idea as they say on their introductory video is to make information an experience. You enter your search term (and I like that it auto fills so kids wouldn’t have to be able to spell their searches right) and you are informed about your search topic in orally with text and pictures. You are then given some related searches to peruse.

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It is in its alpha stage so you can give them plenty of feedback on how to improve but I think it’s pretty good even yet. I enjoyed their pronunciation of Waitangi- Wait-angi! LOL It even passes the ‘jugs’ test.

I have a feeling this is going to be great. It will help younger children access information on the internet beyond their reading ability which is always a problem I have teaching eight year olds.

View their introductory video here.